Feedback & Complaints

What to do if I have a Complaint

InterPrac Financial Planning is committed to providing quality financial services in an efficient and honest manner. We take all complaints seriously, and have developed a formal complaint handling process to deal with any complaints from our clients. A copy of the “Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures” is available from your Adviser or InterPrac Financial Planning. If you do have a complaint:

1. Please contact your Adviser directly to discuss the issue and seek a resolution.

If the complaint cannot be resolved by talking to your Adviser, please contact InterPrac Financial Planning Head Office directly:

The Complaints Officer
InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd
Level 8, 525 Flinders Street Melbourne Vic 3000
Phone: (03) 9209 9777

2. InterPrac’s dispute resolution Process can be found at or can be supplied in hardcopy by your adviser upon request.

3. If InterPrac Financial Planning is not able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, a dispute resolution service for the financial planning industry.

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone: 1800 931 678
Email: Website:

Additionally, ASIC has an information line on 1300 300 630 which you may use to obtain information about your rights and to make a complaint.